A Graduate’s Guide: 5 Tips On How To Keep A Positive Mindset Whilst Applying For Jobs
Fresh out of university and looking for your first job? This can be a challenging and mentally demanding time in your life.
You might have feelings of uncertainty and deflation. With the unknown around what career path you want to take and how exactly to get there.
We understand adjusting to life after university can be tough as you enter a new chapter in your life but it is extremely important to keep a positive mindset.
Here are our top five tips on how to keep a bright outlook during your job search…
1. What Will Be Will Be
Plans can change as life doesn’t always go to plan, especially during the current climate we are living in.
Covid-19 has served a massive curveball in many people’s life plans with many internships and graduate jobs cancelled.
It’s alright if you are unsure about what you want to do. Utilise this time to research and explore your options and areas you’d like to go into. Knowledge is power…
Be flexible. Your first job doesn’t have to be the job you do for the rest of your life, it’s all about gaining experience.
2. Everyone Has A Different Path
Everyone is on a different path when it comes to finding a job.
If you are yet to get a job yet, don’t panic.
There are an array of options out there, your time will come.
Use this time and use job application platforms to your advantage. Research new ways to make yourself stand out, and look for opportunities to upskill yourself – whether that’s via attending online courses or even sitting in webinars.
To find out how to make yourself stand out as a graduate read our recent blog ‘A Graduates Guide To Making Yourself Stand Out*.
3. Take Frequent Breaks
Job searching can be a time consuming process as applications contain various lengthy processes.
Make sure you take breaks and set aside time for yourself, your current wellbeing is just as important as your future.
4. Talk To Someone About How You Feel
Reaching out to one of your peers and talking about how you feel can do you a world of good.
Chances are, they feel exactly the same as you or have gone through a similar difficult process.
Discussing how you feel will help you to keep a positive outlook on the situation.
5. Seek Help From Your University’s Careers Service
Your university wants the best for its graduates which is why they offer a careers service.
They will provide you with help with CV’s, cover letters, interview skills and much more.
Make sure you take advantage of this service and gain valuable knowledge and tips to help you secure your dream job.
One thing you need to remember – you’re not alone, there are lots of graduates in the exact same position as you…
What tips do you have to stay positive during your job search?
Sources: *https://social-republic.co.uk/2020/10/a-graduates-guide-to-making-yourself-stand-out/